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Making the blankets is top priority. Thank you.
A double Valedictorian – both in high school and college of nursing – an accomplished RN, mother of five, a daughter, a sister to three, and an aunt to 19. Yet, she didn’t receive the help she needed. Admitting to mental health struggles was a social taboo. For the last 50 years, Lauren has lived with the weight of this profound loss, doing what society expected: burying the pain and moving on.
Lauren found the courage to seek help and learn how to grieve in healthy ways. Seeing the great success Lauren’s custom blankets were at bringing joy to those who received them over the 2023 holiday season, her path was clear on what she wanted to do going forward. The sewing skills her mother taught her when she was 9 have become the foundation of Threads of Grace, Inc. a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness, supporting others, and reminding people that they are not alone. Here in New England, staying warm is a priority in the cooler months. Lauren’s blankets are constructed from top-grade anti-pill fleece and 100% cotton custom-made edge binding. Each blanket is made with love, compassion for others and enthusiasm for her purpose of this charitable cause.
Elsie and Lauren Kelly, 1963
There is power in numbers! Lauren is establishing partnerships with other charitable organizations to increase their effectiveness as a whole community. For each blanket sold, 30% of the revenue goes towards the suicide prevention community. The other 70% covers materials and related costs. 100% of Lauren’s time to create the blankets is donated. If you make a monetary donation towards Threads of Grace, Inc. without a blanket purchase, 100% of those funds will go directly to suicide prevention and counseling of those directly affected by suicide.
Please join us in helping those who need assistance.
– Joseph A. Karcsmar Threads of Grace, Inc., Treasurer
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